Introducing the Technology and Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard in Tokyo (TECH-Tokyo)
The Technology and Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard in Tokyo (TECH-Tokyo) is an initiative of the Technology and Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard's John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (TECH-SEAS) founded and led by its Senior International Innovation Fellow, Jorge Cortell, in collaboration with Harvard University Office of Technology Development, the Harvard University Innovation Laboratories, and Harvard University Executive Education units.
Bringing Harvard University faculty, researchers, and entrepreneurs, and Japanese corporations, entrepreneurs, investors, and universities, closer together to explore academic, partnering, and commercial opportunities through a multi-year program of presentations, lectures, workshops, networking, guest speakers, competitions and more.
Work in our Tokyo workspace, attend lectures and presentations with simultaneous translation in Japanese-English at our Tokyo event space, and collaborate in real time with Harvard students, entrepreneurs and researchers using a full-size real-time video portal.
Presentations by the Harvard OTD on licensing opportunities, by different Harvard Schools on the latest research in their labs, and by Harvard Innovation Laboratories on their most promising startups.
A group of Harvard University faculty members will deliver lectures and facilitate workshops at TECH in Tokyo several times a year. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear the latest findings from some of the world’s leading experts on business technology, science, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
Select leading Japanese corporations, through their Corporate Venture Capital, Innovation Units, and Corporate Venture Studios, are part of TECH Tokyo ready to partner and explore opportunities for co-research and development, investment, distribution, and more.
Harvard is the number one university in the world for science and entrepreneurial results. Japan is booming with excellent research and promising startups. We are the bridge.
Top Japanese universities will contribute their expertise in the Japanese ecosystem.